I knew of St. John’s as I used to drive by the church traveling to and from work in the 1980’s. I wanted to live near my church so I could be involved and be a part of a community that was important to me – God’s house. I had three churches near me to visit. I visited St. John’s and I knew I was home when I pulled into the parking lot. Ernie D. came up to me, introduced herself, and invited me to sit with her. WOW…did I feel special! She immediately introduced me to Bill & Ann, Elaine & Abel, and Barbara. And then there was Vivian. Every person I met made me feel like they had been waiting on me to come home. I joined on Pentecost Sunday 5 years ago and am happy to be a part of a diverse congregation such as St. John’s. Spiritually, I am growing as I have learned that I must seek the knowledge and not wait for the knowledge to find me. I am forever humbled by the kindness and genuine caring of this congregation. This is the place for me.
I grew up in the Presbyterian church. My dad always ushered, my mom was an elder, they are both deacons now. Church was a part of my childhood foundation. When we moved to Westbury, I found St John’s because it was Presbyterian, but I stayed because it felt right.
As a mom of a toddler who works full time, volunteers and barely keeps up with the house, I can’t be as active as I once was at church. There is a season for everything. When it is my season to be more active again in the life of St. John’s, I know I will be welcomed in whatever I choose to do. For now, this is my season to attend worship and let the word and music sink into my soul. I also am grateful for the opportunity to lay a faith foundation for my daughter.
I grew up in a small Baptist church in a small town. Ministry and missions, missionaries all meant “God’s work in another country.” And I did feel the call to the “mission fields” as I grew up, but never seemed to “surrender to the call.”
Fast forward several decades. Those who know my story well know I refer to the “2x4s” in my life. It took a big swing of one 2×4 to send me into retirement. I had plans* on how to spend my retirement, thought about going back to teaching, knew I wanted to be involved in St. John’s apartment ministry, and had a few other things on my list. In those first few months of retirement, I found I had time to participate in the Centering Prayer Lenten study. In
Centering Prayer, I was in “unknown territory” and found it led to my being open to the Spirit’s leading.
An article in the church newsletter about the need for buddies Small Steps at was the second “2×4”. I thought I would do grown up things for Small Steps, not play with snotty nosed kids! But the story of one of the little girls mentioned in the article touched my heart profoundly and I had to say yes!. Only God knew how to reach my heart: Suzette, the article writer, and my buddy were the tools the Spirit used to wake me up. I was all in at that point!
That was my first step into a ministry that truly lets me live in our mission statement, “…glorifying God by making disciples and meeting human needs.” Oh, and that was not the last “2×4” in my life. Ask me sometime about “the rest of the story…”
*Plans: It is said if you want to make God laugh, just “make plans!”
Read our book, Healing Happens Here, to read more stories.
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