
Music Ministry & More


Whether your passion is music, greeting people or reading scripture, there’s a place for you to connect and to serve at St. John’s.

Ways to Connect and Serve in Worship

Chancel Choir – Adults and Teens

Our chancel choir, under the leadership of Mark (director) and Alina (accompanist), leads the congregation in worship on Sunday mornings. A great way to connect with others who love music. No special talent is necessary! The chancel choir practices Wednesday nights at 7:30, and then again on Sunday mornings at 10 before the 10:30 worship service.

Hand Bell Choir – Adults and Teens

Our hand bell choir, under Mark’s leadership, offers its music monthly during worship. No special talent or experience is necessary, although the ability to count comes in handy. The hand bell choir practices on Mondays at 7 pm in the sanctuary.

Children’s Choir

Under the leadership of Shirley, the children share their music in worship on a regular basis. All children are welcome!

Ushers and Liturgists

Ushers greet worshipers at the door, pass out bulletins and prayer request cards and assist with the offering. A great way to start knowing more faces in the church. Liturgists help lead worship by offering prayers, sharing announcements, and reading scripture.

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