


The session is the governing body or council of the congregation. It is composed of people elected by the congregation for active service as ruling elders, and also all installed pastors and associate pastors of the congregation.

The session has the responsibility for governing the congregation and guiding its witness to the sovereign activity of God in the world, so that the congregation is and becomes a community of faith, love, hope, and witness.

At St. John’s, the session also oversees the work of several committees:

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Administration & Personnel

Reviews performance, compensation needs and development of staff. It also oversees the purchase and use of supplies and computer-related needs.

Caring & Fellowship

Provides for the personal needs of the members in our church family. Members of the committee regularly visit the home-bound and hospitalized members and act as lay caregivers to the bereaved. The committee plans and carries out social events and activities which bring church members and friends together. They also assimilate new members and maintains contact with college students and inactive members.

Christian Education

Seeks to provide Christian nurture in order that St. John-ers of all ages grow toward maturity in Christ by providing a full program of Christian education and nurture for members from nursery to maturity. These programs include Sunday church school classes, vacation church school, youth programs, confirmation & commissioning class, adult education groups, academies, lecture series, and work trips.

Faith in Action

Leads the congregation in serving those outside the four walls of the church, through ministries of service, compassion and social justice, and through the sharing of our faith stories and witness to the unchurched. Faith in Action sponsors an annual Holiday Gift Market that offers ways to buy alternative gifts and support local and international ministries.

Finance & Stewardship

Provides oversight, advice, and counsel to the Session and pastor on the day-to-day and long-term finances of the church. The Committee is directed to challenge the people of God with the duty and the privilege of sharing their money, time, and talents. It plans and directs the annual stewardship pledge drive and related activities, as well as maintains the volunteer opportunity sheets.


Responsible for keeping all of the church buildings, space, equipment, and grounds repaired and maintained throughout the year, as well as reviewing new proposals to improve the property.


Responsible for the order of worship, the scheduling of the Sacraments, and the worship music program. Worship oversees the use of the sanctuary; provides ushers and lay leaders for each service; prepares the table for the Lord’s Supper; and makes recommendations for worship materials.

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